Woman using safie app during a dinner date.png

A new app made in Australia could improve the mental health of users and even save lives.

The Safie App has a number of features including the ability to send text messages to people and gives their location to selected contacts, meaning a child can text a parent if lost and their location will be known.

Co-founder of The Safie App, Matt Ball says another feature dubbed “I’m Not Okay” can allow those struggling with mental health to reach out to contacts instead of a difficult phone call.

“…the main ways we ask people to preset it with a little message that we have in there. That just says I'm not feeling okay, maybe a chat would help. Can you just give me a call? And if you just press the button that message gets sent straight to your contact that you've selected and it also sends them your location where you are only at that time.

So it doesn't do any tracking or anything but just send them location and we just we're trying to think of a way. It's really hard to let someone know that you know feeling real good.

And sometimes it's really hard to make that phone call, you know, and it takes message can be easier but we often want to have that little discussion with someone and don't turn down.”.

The Safie App is available on Android and Apple Devices.